The Causes Of Quiet Quitting And How To Overcome Them With Your Team

Joseph Fung
5 min readMar 10, 2023

A repeat founder and startup investor, Joseph Fung is CEO of Uvaro, where he launches sales careers and grows high-performing sales teams.

Since 2020, employers the world over have experienced what the world may forever remember as the Great Resignation. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, a whopping 4 million Americans resigned from their jobs in June 2021 alone. Even into this current year, resignations continue to pour into companies as employees voluntarily leave positions to pursue alternative careers, either to find work more aligned with their values or as a result of burnout.

Boundaries are the key to happiness.

Fears of quiet quitting began to rise as headline after headline hit our newsfeeds. Faster than you can say “low engagement,” the frenzy of worry began. Employee engagement experts and leadership teams were gathering to ask how they could avert this crisis, improve engagement and ensure their teams were there to stay. Quiet quitting, it seemed, was a nightmare waiting to happen.

But with Gallup’s assessment that “quiet quitters” are those who are “not going above and beyond at work and just meeting their job description,” I’m inclined to ask if we’ve all fallen through the looking glass. If employees are doing the jobs they were hired to do, isn’t that the point?

Hustle culture is problematic.

According to some experts, Covid-19 burnout might be to blame for the “onset” of this so-called pandemic of quiet quitting. As initial layoffs in early to mid-2020 took place, employees who remained may have felt happy or even relieved to still be employed. Some picked up additional work, piling their proverbial plates higher and higher. As the shift to working from home settled, it was widely reported that employees found it more difficult to establish the boundary between work and home, especially when the two had become one. In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) stated that working from home can create a “ blurring of boundaries.”

In addition, for employees who remained after layoffs and stuck around throughout The Great Resignation, the weight of additional responsibilities may be catching up.

Quiet quitting isn’t necessarily the problem.

With rising costs and inflation, many employees have turned to side hustles and other gigs to support their financial needs, putting additional pressure on the boundaries between work and home and even infringing on company time.

A Bankrate survey found that 41% of employees rely on a side hustle to support their finances, helping them to pay bills amid rapidly rising costs of living. For some employers, this may look like “quiet quitting” taking hold, as employees may appear disengaged or tired as a result of their secondary work lives.

1. Help your employees establish boundaries-and stick to them.

As I’ve chatted with fellow CEOs and leaders, I’ve heard a common theme: So-called “quiet quitting” really isn’t the problem. It’s an error in translation between what employees are asking for and what leadership is providing. People want to be recognized for their talent, passion and hard work. They want meaningful work and boundaries. Is that so wrong? The headlines read, “No one wants to work,” but what they should say is, “People want to be paid for their efforts-even when they’re passionate about the job.”

2. Promote healthy engagement over hustle culture.

As with every problem, however, there are solutions. Here are four steps you can apply with your team.

3. Frequently ask for and act upon feedback.

Many services allow your employees to set customizable working hours. Provided your employees are not bound to particular service hours required for their roles, allow them to select the working hours that are best for them. Be mindful of those hours, limit outreach accordingly and keep a close eye on meeting times. Then, be sure to stick to those boundaries and empower employees to do the same.

4. Don’t lose sight of the real issues.

Hustle culture has been made sexy thanks to social media and media coverage, but we shouldn’t be in competition to see who worked the longest hours or has the busiest calendar. Healthy engagement means your employees are able to balance their work responsibilities against what’s necessary for them to live their healthiest and most positive lives.

Check in with your employees regularly-but not as a performative measure. Take their feedback and put it into action. If you’re unsure about what your employees are asking for, seek clarity. By connecting with your teams and building stronger relationships, you’re more likely to improve retention and help your employees achieve their goals for success.

No one is advocating for people to stop doing their jobs, but we should all be advocating for people doing the job they’re hired to do and expecting to be paid accordingly. If your expectation of all your employees is that they drive themselves into the ground to go “above and beyond” every day, you’re going to lose good employees. The toxic hustle culture mentality isn’t beneficial to anyone-not even your shareholders.

The problem with buzzword-filled ideas like “quiet quitting” is that they create the illusion that there is an issue where there isn’t one-often by hiding the true problem at hand. Doing the “bare minimum” at work doesn’t mean that your employees are planning to fly the coop; oftentimes, the “bare minimum” is exactly what’s needed for their role. If you have concerns that your employees aren’t doing their jobs, ensure you have metrics in place so you can understand what’s going on and intervene, offer support and build relationships with employees to better set them up for success.

Career success should be more than just an idea. By respecting boundaries and avoiding toxic hustle culture, you can enable your employees and company to focus on living out their values each and every day. This enables them to drive the business forward and support their teams better, day in and day out.

Originally published at

